So the TTS Blog Challenge today is:
What in your lifetime has only happened to you once?
Lots of stuff, but off the top of my head the following:
1. While doing an "Adopt-a-Highway" clean-up (in Florida) I found a baby alligator that was trapped from swallowing a fishing hook & line that was tied to a huge brick. Me and my animal rescuing instinct took me right to it and I cut the one end of the fishing line and wrapped the other part of the line around the babys mouth so that I could carry him to the car and get him to the local wild animal rescue! They cut the line as far in the mouth as they could and told me that the hood would probably dissolve in it's tummy and it would be fine!
2. I got Chicken Pox my Junior year of High School. Didn't know that's what it was at first. It came about that I was in the middle of a dance performance on stage. I had felt sick before going on stage but everyone was trying to tell me it was just stage fright (nah, didn't they know that I never would get stage fright) and so I went ahead out on that stage and danced until almost the very end of the performance I collapsed. They rushed me to the hospital and scared my mom with saying it could be meningitis. After testing and testing found out it was the Chicken Pox. Then after I got all the lovely itchy patches, I scratched them so much and have permanent scars from it. No fun!
3. Lost my virginity (hehe, yeah, you know you were thinking of putting that as an answer on your own blog for this question), went to my Junior and Senior Prom, got my drivers license, participated in Senior Skip Day and went to Daytona Beach...ya know all that stuff from high school.
4. Became a Ferret Owner shortly after moving out on my own with my hubby (who was then my boyfriend). He got me my first two ferrets (I had always wanted a ferret as a pet) and after that, Ferret Math struck me time after time as I started to rescue ferrets! Then from all the rescues and the two my hubby got me we had 10 ferrets as our own pets!
5. Got married. Got married in the Poconos!
6. Became Pregnant with twins and at the same time contracted Hepatitis A from the big outbreak at Chi-Chi's Restaurant. What a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE experience. Something that was supposed to be remembered and enjoyed was ruined from how horribly sick I was from the Hepatitis and then living in the hospital hooked up to machines and being looked at constantly.
7. Going back to school after having the kids, since I never finished my first degree!! I'm doing online schooling!
That's all I can think of for right now although I know there is probably hundreds more!
And for this weeks blog challenge at Sweet Shoppe:
I want to hear about your favorite designer, kit, product, etc.:
Oh My! I have way too many favorite designers so how bout my top 10 favorite stores to shop at (not in any special order):
1. Designer Digitals
2. Scrapbook-Bytes
3. Scrapbook-Elements
4. The Digi Shoppe
5. ScrapArtist
6. Little Dreamer Designs
7. The Shabby Shoppe
8. Funky Playground
9. Sweet Shoppe
10. The Lilypad
What tough questions. I am really liking Kelly Thompson's Animal Crackers Kit!!! Isn't it just the cutest!
And my favorite product right now is the PEELED & REVEALED line from Marcie Reckinger and Traci Murphy!
Hands down it is Traci Murphy's Actions! I was lucky enough that my dear friend, Dawn, introduced these to me! Traci's actions are amazing and such time savers!
WELL FRIENDS, Thanks so much for taking the time to read another one of my LONG blogs! I'm going to share one of my templates with you today!

If you would like it CLICK HERE! :) Also check out the mini kit freebie I put up on a my previous blog post. And if ya have a few seconds to spare I would love to read any comments you may leave me! :) Thanks!!
GREAT JOB GIRLY on the blog challenge and love your sketch :)
LOVE the sketch, I'll be sure to use it once I get my butt in gear! I enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you a little!
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